Cosmetic Care

Cosmetic Care

We offer the following cosmetic services at Manchester OB/GYN Associates:  


Schedule your appointment today with one of our three providers!

Jen Donofrio, MD

Brenna Stapp, DO

Tracey Gahara, RN


Neurotoxins, like BOTOX®, can reduce wrinkles, create a smoother facial appearance and give you a nice refreshed look. 
  • How do neurotoxins work? The neurotoxins work by blocking the nerves that contract muscles, softening the appearance of wrinkles. 
  • Are there any side effects? Some patients may have slight bruising, headache, pain at the injection site and temporary eyelid or eyebrow droop in 1% of cases. 


JUVÉDERM® is a collection of injectable gel fillers, made of hyaluronic acid.  These fillers can add volume and fullness to skin and lips, can be used to correct facial folds and wrinkles and can also be used on the midface for a cheek lift. 

  • What is Hyaluronic acid? It is a (dermal filler) injectable gel. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body. 
  • Are there any side effects? Some patients may have swelling, redness, slight bruising and pain at the injection site. 

We offer Volbella XC, Vollure XC, Voluma XC, Ultra Plus XC.  


KYBELLA®, or deoxycholic acid, is an FDA approved injectable treatment for adults that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.

  • What is deoxycholic acid? It is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
  • Are there side effects? KYBELLA® can cause swelling, bruising, pain numbness and areas of hardness. 
  • How many treatments will I need? Most people need two treatments. Once the fat cells are destroyed they can no longer store fat.


Infertility Doctor — Contraceptive Pills in Manchester, NH
LATISSE® is an FDA-approved treatment to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate or not enough lashes.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Prp Injection — Platelet Process in Manchester, NH
PRP is concentrated platelets from your own blood. A small sample is taken and processed in a separation chamber. Platelets contain growth factors that will stimulate your skin to produce new collagen. 

  • Are results immediate? 
    •  It may take a few weeks to three months for your body to form new collagen. 
  • How many treatments will I need? 
    •  Usually just one treatment. We will reassess in six weeks. There are many factors that can determine the number of treatments, including your age, general health, and personal preference. 
  • How long will the results last? 
    •  Most patients will notice beneficial results for twelve to 18 months. Yearly treatments are recommended to maintain results. 
  • Are there any side effects? 
    •  Some patients may have swelling, redness, slight bruising or pain at the injection sites. 
  • Why would I be interested in PRP? 
    •  It can reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate your skin and give you a younger facial appearance. PRP can be injected around the eyes, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin.


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